Enterprise cloud can be summarised as a collection of characteristics of both the public and private cloud, providing any organisation with a flexible and agile infrastructure.

It drives simplicity for multi-cloud governance with an open approach, empowers end users with self-service of resources, automates the deployment of applications across multiple environments, and unifies governance for the ultimate in compliance.

As with several other IT solutions, this is all well and good in the short-term, but what happens when a more advanced infrastructure comes along? Well, that might not ever be the case, as the enterprise cloud is being touted as the future of IT. Here’s why:

1. New economic model

Enterprise cloud features the pay-as-you-go characteristics of the public cloud while providing a common foundation upon which to run both legacy and new-style or cloud-native apps.

2. Fast response

Wave goodbye to the perception that IT is slow. With enterprise cloud, you can quickly conjure up infrastructure for your business users as and when they require it.

3. End-user focus

There’s a good chance your users are deploying shadow IT systems because you haven’t understood their needs. Enterprise cloud can help you better focus your efforts on addressing the deficiencies seen by end-users.

4. Public cloud makes sense

Enterprise cloud can help you gain the abilities of the public cloud such as built-in economies of scale, instant deployment, and powerful management tools.

5. Private cloud makes sense

Even though public cloud doesn’t address issues like data locality, security and compliance, this is more than possible with enterprise cloud, which brings together the best of both worlds.

6. Business-first solutions

You can potentially turn the 80/20 rule on its head with enterprise cloud, tailoring your IT department’s services to activities that generate revenue rather than simply keeping the lights on.

7. On-trend technology

A number of technologies have come together at the same time to make enterprise cloud viable, including fast flash storage and the ability to deploy economical commodity hardware.

8. Profusion of choice

There’s no danger of ending up with workloads trapped somewhere. With the right enterprise cloud foundation, you have a choice of where to run workloads.

9. The best of bimodal IT

Despite the positive outcomes that bimodal IT promises, there are concerns about the inefficiencies of this bifurcated model. Thankfully, the enterprise cloud delivers the best aspects, not the worst.

10. Meet user needs

Your infrastructure environment must reflect the increasing intelligence of users, such as the adoption of self-service and automation, both of which are supported in an enterprise cloud scenario.