Windows PCs come with Windows Defender and Macs have sophisticated runtime protections built in to protect from malware. This means most people face no security problems when using the internet. However, built-in security creates a false sense of security which is dangerous with the increasing sophistication of threats. In this blog we take a look at 4 security tips to keep you safe online:

1. Use a password manager

Password managers create and store passwords in an encrypted format and give you a master password. Master passwords are the key to the safe. The key stays with you, even if the safe moves, creating a high level of security.

Whether we’re talking about a virus, malware, spyware or hackers, online security threats are real. You need to understand this. Your passwords are critical security layers, so it makes sense to protect your passwords.

2. Use two-step verification

If you get the option to use two-step verification, take it! Whether it’s your PayPal, Amazon or Gmail account, using two-step verification makes it twice as hard and in some cases impossible for a hacker to gain access to your accounts.

3. Don’t give personal data away

When you give social media platforms your date of birth, age, address and other personal data, such as who you are in a relationship with, you give criminals the ability to scrape and use your personal data for illegal activities.

To put it bluntly, no computer, system or person is immune to security threats. Hackers want your passwords, marketers want your private data, and blackmailers want personal data so they can hold you to ransom.

4. Use a VPN when using public Wi-Fi

A VPN masks your IP address and replaces it with the VPN server’s IP address. Why is this useful? Because when you use public Wi-Fi, your activities are easily tracked by hackers. A VPN masks your location to keep what you do private.

Also, a VPN will encrypt what you do on the internet so long as it has end to end encryption (EE2E). This means if your computer does have spyware, the spyware won’t be able to track and monitor you. The same goes for a hacker who has remote access.

DSI’s Managed Service offerings including Network Security and Mobile Device Management. If you would like to know more security tips to keep you safe online read our ebook: Cybersecurity Tips forEmployees: The Complete Guide to Secure Behaviour Online and in the Office

We’re here to help you take the hassle out of IT management, so you can focus on your business. So if you need support securing your IT across multiple devices call us +44 (0)208 017 0007 or +44 (0)1322 520480